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Join the Chamber

Chamber Member Benefits

Membership Benefits

What benefits do I receive as a Chamber member?

What events do the Martin County Chamber of Commerce plan?

How much does it cost to join the Martin County Chamber of Commerce?

Martin County Chamber of Commerce Memberships

Are you interested in joining the Martin County Chamber of Commerce? Please fill out the application below!

Chamber Member Information

Business Description

Have you been a Chamber member before?
Are you interested in hosting Chamber Mixer events?

Membership Dues

Personal Membership
This membership is for one person.
Business Membership - Level 1
This membership is for a business with 1-2 employees.
Business Membership - Level 2
This membership is for a business with 3-5 employees.
Business Membership - Level 3
This membership is for a business with 6-10 employees.
Business Membership - Level 4
This membership is for a business with 11+ employees.
Business Membership - Level 5
This membership is for banks and utilities.
I agree to the terms and conditions


Type in your name

Dues paid are tax deductible as a business expense.

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